Gibson Les Paul Classic Heritage Cherry Sunburst
Kategorier El-guitarer, Gibson
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kr. 18.999,00

The Gibson Les Paul™ Classic combines the early 60’s style Les Paul model with some functional and time-tested modifications. As expected, the LP Classic is crafted with a mahogany back and maple top coupled with a slim taper mahogany neck and bound, rosewood fingerboard. BurstBucker™ 61R & 61T zebra, open-coil pickups provide classic Gibson tones from the era with a bit of extra punch thanks to the open coils. The control assembly features 4 push-pull pots which provide choices of coil tapping, phase switching, and pure bypassing for functional and versatile sonic variety.
Detaljeret Beskrivelse
- Modelnavn: Gibson Les Paul Classic, Heritage Cherry Sunburst
- Modelkode: LPCS00EHSNH1
- Kropsmateriale: Mahogni
- Topmateriale: Ahorn
- Vægtlindring: 9-hul
- Finish: Gloss Nitrocellulose Lacquer
- Farve: Heritage cherry sunburst
Hals og gribebræt
- Halsmateriale: Mahogni
- Halsprofil: Slank taper
- Skalalængde: 24,75″
- Gribebrætsmateriale: Palisander
- Gribebrætsradius: 12″
- Antal bånd: 22
- Båndstørrelse: Medium jumbo
- Endebredde: 2,26″
- Positionsmarkører: Akryl i trapezforme
Hardware og elektronik
- Møtrikmateriale: Graph Tech
- Møtrikbredde: 1.695 “
- Bro: ABR-1 Tune-O-Matic
- Strengeholdere: Aluminium stopbar
- Stemmeskruer: Grover Rotomatics med nyreskruer
- Plekterbræt: Intet
- Betjeningsknapper: Guldhatte med sølvreflektor
- Switch tip: Creme-farvet
- Switchwasher: Creme-farvet
- Jack-pladens betræk: Nikkel
- Hardwarefinish: Nikkel
- Hals-pickup: Burstbucker 61R (Zebra)
- Bro-pickup: Burstbucker 61T (Zebra)
- Kontrolelementer: 2 push/pull volumener (coil-tap), 2 push/pull toner (pure bypass/phase), vekslekontakt
- Strenge: .010, .013, .017, .026, .036, .046
- Taske: Hardshell-case
- Tilbehør: Inkluderer Gibson tilbehørssæt